Our Mission: 

Indian Creek Christian Church exists

to amaze people with grace so that they meet & follow Jesus


Our Vision:

We envision a church that works on the assumption that gracious relationships establish trust, which then earns us the right to speak the truth; a church made up of people that are learning together, growing together, getting into each others' messes and bringing others into our own messes. We'll be a place where hurting people can come and be welcomed by others being healed and liberated from their brokenness by God. We'll challenge and encourage each other toward simple growth so that we can launch generations of disciples who make disciples and churches that plant churches. We'll be a church that serves in unity with other churches in the area to be the Good News.


Core Values:

As a result of our mission & vision, we have come up with a set of values we want to hold to in order accomplish the task before us. 


Real Relationships

Liberating Truth

Simple Growth

Selfless Sending